What the bang dang diddly is goin on?

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Glenn: Prepare for a Time When Voices Like Mine are no Longer Heard

Below is a rush transcript of this segment: It is time we stop being sheep. It is time for our pulpits to start teaching reconciliation. Here’s a book I want you to go out and get today. I want you to get the Essential Speeches of Martin Luther King and start reading them. Please. I beg you. There’s so much of Martin Luther King that we don’t understand. There’s so much — he is — he’s right. Read his speeches and you will understand reconciliation. And what we have to do. It is the only hope. It is what — it is what Abraham Lincoln did at the end of the civil war. When they said they had Lee, what do you want me to do with him? He said, take your foot off his neck gently. Tell him to go home to their families. With malice toward none and charity toward all. That’s reconciliation. If you humiliate, if you demand a win, there’s going to be a loser. And the loser will not forgive you. And it will just perpetuate into the next one. So we’re looking for reconciliation here. What I’m afraid of is the Bubba Effect. And I’ve talked about this for about six years. I said, there’s going to come a time when you’ll start to have riots on the streets. There’s going to come a time when you’ll have terrorists come and do something. And the — and the feds will come in or the government will come in, and they will try to quell it or they’ll try to arrest somebody. And the town will say, uh-uh. Nope! You, United States government, you knew about it. You’re part of the problem. And the Bubba Effect comes from the one idea that — a Muslim goes and shoots somebody. And then Bubba, who just doesn’t — is not really paying attention. Sees a Sikh some place who wears a turban. Not a Muslim, but he’s a Sikh. But Bubba sees him and is like, you people. And he’s all enraged and he shoots a Sikh. Now, what’s going to happen? The DOJ has to come in and try him for murder. But because that town just experienced some sort of, you know, 40 kids in an elementary school shot and they knew that the federal government kept the borders open and these guys came across the borders, they were here illegally, or they were from that mosque down the street that everybody knew was an extremist mosque, but they did nothing about it. That’s when the citizens grab their guns and say to the DOJ, get the hell out of here. What Bubba did was wrong, but we’ll take care of it. We don’t need you here. Now, this is not my theory. This is the theory that I learned from the Special Forces command about eight years ago. This is about 2004, and I go to the east coast. I go, where is that? Is that in Virginia? Where was that? Special Forces command? Fort Bragg. I’m at Fort Bragg and I’m talking to the press, and I said, what is your number one concern? And they said the Bubba Effect. They said, that’s coming at some point in the future. Now, that hadn’t even occurred to me. This is before we’re really having any kind of real hatred and animosity toward each another. It’s the Michael Moore, you know, Fahrenheit 911 stuff. But we can handle all of that. It just happened. The beginning. Stage one just happened here in Dallas this weekend. And here it is. These marchers, they come in, Moms Against Police Brutality, and marchers for I don’t know, free all the Mexicans. I don’t know. Something about the border. … GLENN: Let them come in. Let them take jobs, whatever. So they’re marching down the street. And these guys are connected. They’re connected to the Nation of Islam. They’re connected to Open Society. George Soros. They’re connected to the Tides Foundation. This is a front group. This is front group. Pure and simple. The police are there. These groups are marching. But there’s somebody in between. It’s the open carry people. So now here are just citizens with long arms. They have a right to have the long arms. When asked by a reporter friend, what are you guys doing here? Well, we’re kind of the buffer between these guys and the police. What do you mean you’re the buffer between these guys and the police? Well, we know how the police reacted, listen to this, we know how the police reacted in Baltimore, and we want to make sure that, A, if there was any police brutality, we could kind of buffer that zone. If they start to push the cops, that we could be in between them so that the cops couldn’t really respond — so no bad stuff is going to happen. And if somebody starts looting our city, we’ll stop it. Because the police are going to be told like they were in Baltimore to stand down. Bubba Effect. There it is. That’s stage one. Nothing happened. So those guys went home. But now let me ask you something: If Bubba, who is carrying a long arm, they see somebody throwing mazel tov cocktails and they stop it, how many people in our community will say, no, no, no, wait a minute. You were told to stand down. These guys were burning our city down. They’re just neighbors in our neighborhood that are trying to stop these guys from burning our neighborhood down? A lot. We’re being set up, guys. We are absolutely being set up. And I don’t know — this is what I pray every night. I don’t know how to do this, Lord. I don’t know what you want. I don’t know — I don’t know what you want. I can’t wake up any — oh, if I had the voice of an angel. I can’t wake anybody else up. They’ve smeared me. I’ve helped them smear me. I don’t have any credibility. Nobody is listening. I can tell you what’s coming. I’ve told you every step of the way. I know what’s coming next. But I don’t know, how am I going to get people to listen? This is why, perhaps, I have said that you are going to be the key. Because I know that. I know that with everything in me. This audience changes the course in a good way. This audience pulls the republic back from the brink. And it’s not going to be me. It’s not going to be — it’s going to be you. But you need to know your role. And your role is as a peace — blessed be the peacemakers. You have to know what’s really going on. Because nobody is going to tell you. Next week, we’re going to show you, the stuff I found with Al Sharpton yesterday, I’m telling you, that’s right. With Al Sharpton saying, we fought against states’ rights in the ’60s so we had the right to vote, and in this century, we have to fight states’ rights, it’s time for the Department of Justice to take over policing in America. That’s what’s happening. That’s why they’re sending all the MRAPs and everything else to these cities because the intent is that the government — when the bottom rises up, the people will cry out for help. And the government will come top-down, and they’ll control your policing. That’s what’s happening. And local police departments, police officers, please, please, learn this. Please. Next week, we’ll show you all the connections. We’ll show you — once you tie it all together in your head, you’ll go, oh, my gosh, that’s exactly what’s happening. And only an understanding of this and then a peaceful informed public can stop it. Otherwise, we’re going to be played. I mean, this is the biggest show ever. That’s all that’s happening right now. This is a show. We’re watching a script and a play play out in front of us. None of this stuff is real. Those riots in Baltimore. That wasn’t real. How many times do we have to be told, most of the people are from out of town. All they need is one thing to get it started, that’s real: The shooting. Then all the people come from out of town, and they manipulate it and they wind everybody up and they get it rolling. Then they leave town and they go to the next one. And they go to the next one. And they go to the next one. And before long, it will all be over. And nothing will truly be solved. Is Ferguson solved? Has there been reconciliation in Ferguson? The answer is no. And because no reconciliation, there is a wound on both sides. Same thing in Baltimore. Is anything going to be solved in Baltimore? No. It will just calm down a bit. But there will be wounds on both sides. At some point, there will be a straw that breaks the camel’s back, and it will set the whole country on fire. And what happens? We will cry out for police help. The police will be overwhelmed. The DOJ will say, we’re going to take over policing. We’ll coordinate it from here. And you’re done. It’s lights out, Republic. That’s what’s coming. That’s what’s coming. And it’s coming faster than you think. Perhaps longer than we think we have. But you have to be the one that can lead. Because if you look back at history, what happens to people who have voices and can cobble together people and be a leader, if you go back to what happened with the Armenian genocide, what is the first thing the Turks did? What is the first thing the Nazis do? You have a night of long knives. The Armenian genocide. Any of the Armenians that could lead, any mayor, any writer, any person that was a hero in war, in one day, in each city, they would kill about 1,000 people. They would just slaughter them. And they were all the leaders of the community. Anyone that people would rally around and follow. They were killed, day one. They just disappear, or they’re killed. Which means, they do that so that there is nothing left, but sheep and no shepherds. I’m telling you now, if you want the republic to survive, you must say you are not a sheep. You are a shepherd. There are 10 million people that listen to this show. They cannot kill 10 million people in one night. You were born for a reason, and you’re listening to this show for a reason. Read the Essential Speeches of Martin Luther King. There is one way out. And it is through reconciliation, peace, love, the teachings of Jesus, the teachings of Gandhi, the teachings of Bonhoeffer, the teachings of Martin Luther King. Prepare for a time when voices like mine or others are no longer heard. And yours is the only voice. Can’t believe I just said all of that
.by Wilson Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 4:07 PM EDT

Source: http://www.glennbeck.com/2015/05/07/glenn-prepare-for-a-time-when-voices-like-mine-are-no-longer-heard/?utm_source=glennbeck&utm_medium=contentcopy_link
Source: http://www.glennbeck.com/2015/05/07/glenn-prepare-for-a-time-when-voices-like-mine-are-no-longer-heard/?utm_source=glennbeck&utm_medium=contentcopy_link

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