What the bang dang diddly is goin on?

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Trumps Lead

The Democrats are living in a dream world, they're stuck in a no-forward slot. They can't understand--they simply can't understand--that Trump's real power is in its own honesty: He is confronting vocally (the first one to ever do this) what 50% of this nation has been begging--hoping!--for someone to admit: that this country is in a financial, social, international mess. We don't need gay rights, we don't need transgender rights, we don't need amnesty when the middle class is drowning in poverty and disillusion, and when we're the weak-kneed cousin on the global platform. The Dems are so in love with their fearless Ovomit that they can't grasp why half this country doesn't equally adore him.

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