What the bang dang diddly is goin on?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A What If Momentus Occasion

This is in regards to the current fast food frenzy. What if we can survive as humans now solely on every plant and creature produced by whoever? Take for example the Bear Root and Indian Root found in river bars, roadsides, rocky hillsides, and meadows.. Similar in features but one is deadly in consumption. However an OCD high anxiety schizo would automatically notice the unique difference.


Indian Potato BearRoot

So my question is after the massive amount of fast food sales. And the countless dinners of super processed foods, can our bodies handle the poisonous effects of plants and animals? Yes,no, debate?


MooPig said...

I am thinking that our environmental adaptation to trans-fat, and soy substitutes is no different than squirrels occasionally eating a bird's egg, or an insect?

I feel the human group that learns to eat insects will be the survivor.

I think I go with Yes... my final answer. pd

d2r2 said...

If the organs and body systems are intact, that produce anti-toxins and help our auto-immune and white blood cell production, then I too go with yes.

We, supposedly, eliminate much of the extraneous chemicals and materials through an elaborate waste removal system. If cared for with normal maintenance and attention.

It's good to ask these questions..
we are letting our miraculous bodies become dependent on more than God intended them to be.

MooPig said...

I had to go and find Endemic and came up with this --
"...Imagine waking up on the Socotra Island and taking a good look around you (let's say your buddies pulled a prank on you and delivered you there, and lets also assume that you don't have any hangover from abuse of any substances). After a yelp of disbelief, you'd be inclined to think you were transported to another planet - or traveled to another era of Earth's history.

Check out this ,Dark Roasted Blend: Most Alien Looking Place on Earth Click HERE Photo Essay...

"I'm thinking, something to eat?"
... would be closer to the truth for this island, which is part of a group of 4 islands, has been geographically isolated from mainland Africa for the last 6 or 7 million years. Like the Galapagos Islands, this island is teeming with 700 extremely rare species of flora and fauna, a full 1/3 of which are endemic, i.e. found nowhere else on Earth.
( Retrieved at the SourceDark Roasted Blend )

d2r2 said...

6 or 7 million years tends to pale our puny existence, doesn't it.
Probably, there is some water there that we could lap up from the ditch.
Have to adapt, but that's what we're talking about.

Soctra backwards is "Art Ocos", like us.