What the bang dang diddly is goin on?

Saturday, July 25, 2015

The devil Made Me Do It

I gave you a head’s up almost a year ago, that President Obama would begin blaming the world’s brutal conflicts on global warming.  Yesterday’s speech at the Coast Guard Academy shows Obama to be the shameless global warming extremist he is.
“It’s now believed that drought and crop failures and high food prices helped fuel the early unrest in Syria, which descended into civil war in the heart of the Middle East.”  Obama said, “So, increasingly, our military and our combatant commands, our services – including the Coast Guard – will need to factor climate change into plans and operations, because you need to be ready.”
The assertion that climate change is a factor in civil unrest is a disputed claim made by the Center for American Progress—an extremist leftwing think tank, whose theories are regularly disputed by those on the same side of their ideology.
In an article I wrote for CNS News, I pointed to a comic that “explained” how the massacres in Syria were caused by global warming.  These comics are produced to help teachers explain these findings to our school children.
“The comic, by Symbolia Magazine, is one of numerous comics adapted from climate change theory in order, presumably, to use that medium to explain how the entire earth is in jeopardy if we don't tax the evil rich and go back to third-world living conditions.  The Years Project is the source of the comic that seeks to prove that global warming is a key instigator of the Syrian conflict.  The Years Project is a grantee of the Ford Foundation.
“The story alleges that drought, caused by man-made global warming, caused people to move away from the rural areas because the Assad regime refused well permits to non-party members.  There was then, a migration to cities to find work, which exacerbated the water supply, and caused a few well-to-do teens to spray paint a wall, calling for the toppling of the Assad regime.  Coming to the conclusion, ‘After decades of cruel leadership, the effects of climate change may have been the ultimate unhinging stressor for Syria.’”
So, now that ridiculous notion is supported and argued by the President of the United States.
The president is arguing that America must discontinue its prosperity because it contributes to droughts that cause war.  This is bat crazy. Yet, to a crowd of graduating members of the Coast Guard Academy, it’s the centerpiece of their Commander-in-Chief’s foreign policy.
John Kerry has been saying the same thing, that global warming is bigger than anything out there, as it pertains to our national security.  The entire administration is filled with these ideological whack-a-dos, people who will stop at nothing to blame all of the world’s ills on our own nation.
We have never faced such an internal threat to our well-being as we do with this administration’s extreme views and concerted effort to grind America to a halt.
Anyway, permit me to tell you, “I told you so.”
Jen Kuznicki is a wife and mother, seamstress by trade, and American patriot who says, "Now is the time to act."
Jen Kuznicki
Jen Kuznicki

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